The Pros and Cons of Permanent Make Up (To Know Before You Go)

Permanent makeup is nothing more than a permanent tattoo. This is why it is also commonly called a permanent make up tattoo.

Or, another name for it is micro-pigmentation.

Before going for this kind of make up, you should be aware of both sides of the coin.

It does come with a number of advantages and disadvantages. So please make your own informed decision.

Advantages of Permanent Make Up

It’s Permanent

One of the biggest and the most obvious advantage is that you will not have to spend hours together everyday in order to apply make up and look good.

You can get it done permanently once and then forget about it totally.

Covers Up Imperfections

You can cover up a number of imperfections such as scars and burns with permanent make up.

If you don’t like the shape of your lips, you can change that permanently with this treatment. You no more have to live with flaws.

If you have missing eyebrows or if your eyelashes are too thin, you can go for permanent eye make up to cover that up once and for all.

Permanent make up will also hide discoloration, scars due to allergies and rashes, and so on.

Hides Wrinkles

All your wrinkles and other flaws that have accumulated over the years will be hidden perfectly.


This is also an ideal choice for those who wear contact lenses, those who have no time for make up each day, and those who are athletic.

This treatment can give you what you always dreamt of.

Disadvantages of Permanent Make Up

It’s Permanent

Once you apply it or have it applied, you can’t get rid of it for years together and in many cases, you will have to live with it throughout your life.

You might be happy with your make up presently but that doesn’t mean it will satisfy you all your life. Remember that your face will change with time.

Risk of Infection

There is an increased risk of infection. You may acquire hepatitis or staph infections if the needles used during the treatment are not sterilized.

Can Cause Allergies

Some of the dyes used may cause allergies too and these can be very severe at times.


Granuloma is another problem. You might find small nodules appearing on your permanent make up.

Risk to With MRI Scans

It can be a risk to undergo MRI scans. The results may not be clear enough and an MRI scan can itself cause burning and blistering.

Whether it is a green concealer or any other concealer that you want to use or anything else, you should weigh the aforementioned pros and cons before taking any steps.

You could also undergo semi permanent make up training if you fancy applying the make up yourself.