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Results of Hemp Oil for Hair – Does Hemp Oil Really Contribute To Better Overall Results?

It is well known that unscrupulous marketers often make tall claims about products, even though there is no or little scientific evidence to support those claims.

So is hemp oil really beneficial for healthy hair or is it just hype? No not hype, hemp oil is an amazing super food that has some amazing benefits all based on scientific research.

Here are 10 amazing benefits to be had from the moderate use of hemp oil.

Can Hemp oil can stop and even reverse hair loss?

Hemp oil is rich in protein, fats and linoleic acid. As you will soon read, linoleic acid helps to regulate hormones and slows down the aging process.

Related: Fabulous hair Growth benefits of hemp oil

Fats help to moisturize the skin and scalp. Protein helps to improve quality of hair. Hemp oil can be applied directly onto the hair and scalp or it can be consumed orally – you may also try a combination of both.

Can Hemp oil help to lower cholesterol?

Hemp is the only vegetarian food that contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in a 3:1 ratio. Most people get a lot of omega 6 from their diets, but not enough omega 3.

Consuming the right ratio of healthy fats prevents cholesterol from being deposited along the inner walls of arteries.

Hemp oil also aids in improving the metabolic rate. This causes fat to burn at a faster rate and promotes weight loss.

Is Hemp Oil Great for vegetarians and vegans?

People who consume a plant based diet often have trouble consuming the right ratio of essential fatty acids.

Hemp oil is a simple yet effective solution to this problem.

Also, vegans and vegetarians are worried about their protein intake – hemp seeds are high in protein but not very high in overall calories. Hemp oil is 25% protein.

Can Hemp oil help the body maintain hormonal balance?

Hemp is the only edible seed on the planet that contains gamma-linoleic acid. The body converts linoleic acid into a protective hormone knows as prostaglandin PGE1.

This hormone plays a key role in maintaining health – especially during menopause. It also strengthens the immune system and reverses ageing.

Does Hemp Oil Fight against psoriasis?

Studies prove that psoriasis occurs due to a deficiency of omega 6 fats in the body. Hemp oil is rich in omega 6 – it helps to moisturize the skin.

The fact that it lowers cholesterol and improves cardiac health ensures a better supply of blood to all parts of the body.

Oxygen rich blood and hydration are crucial in the fight against psoriasis.

Can Hemp Oil prevent and control diabetes?

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease almost always go hand in hand.

By improving cardiovascular health, hemp oil automatically cuts down the risk of developing diabetes.

Also, hemp is low is carbohydrates and high in good fats and protein. Hence, it prevents spikes in blood sugar.

Does Hemp Oil Prevent the formation of varicose veins?

Hemp oil helps in thinning the blood; it improves blood circulation and prevents formation of clots.

Varicose veins is a painful condition where in the veins become twisted and increase in size and the valves that are responsible for pumping blood malfunction.

Hence, deoxygenated blood is not pumped back to the heart. This causes severe pain and cramps. Hemp oil contains essential fatty acids and nutrients that prevent varicose veins.

Does Hemp Oil help functions of the nervous system?

The fats contained in hemp oil help improve the health of cell membranes. Nerve cells are protected by a membrane known as myelin.

Hemp oil prevents the demyelisation (destruction of the membrane) of nerve cells.

Can Hemp Oil Rejuvenate the skin?

Owing to the high concentration of omega 3 and omega 6 fats, the composition of hemp oil is similar to that of skin lipid. Thus, it acts as an excellent natural emollient and moisturizer.

Hemp oil improves the elasticity of the skin and increases water retention capacity of tissues. It helps to restore dry, flaky skin, weak nails and frizzy, lifeless hair.

No wonder it is an important ingredient in several skin, hair and beauty products.

Can Hemp oil improve the immune system?

Extensive studies have proven that many common illnesses are related to deficiency of essential fatty acids.

They are known as essential fats because the human body does not have the ability to produce them. They must be obtained from external sources only. However, the diet of most humans is not rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

It is high in saturated and hydrogenated fats. This is due to the fact that people eat more animal fats than plan based fats and consumer packaged foods rather than opting for organic foodstuffs.

Hemp oil has the right balance of fats and it is also rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, carotene, chlorophyll, zinc, phosphorus etc.

Hence, it galvanizes the immune system and helps the body to ward off diseases.