Young girl caring for curly hair tips with yellow hemp oil

Hemp Oil for Hair – Benefits for Skin and Health and for Well-Being

People often ask; Does Hemp Oil Produce Guaranteed Results?

The truth is there are no guaranteed results in life. The holistic approach is what’s needed to produce significant results.

For example: If you smoke twenty cigarettes a day, then no amount of hemp oil can prevent you from developing heart disease and atherosclerosis.

Hemp oil cannot prevent or control diabetes if you gorge on sweets, sugary drinks and simple carbs. Even insulin injections can control blood sugar only to a certain limit.

If you refuse to let go of debilitating habits, then hemp oil or any other supplement cannot really do much for you.

However, if you are willing to adopt a holistic approach to health, hemp oil can help you to achieve better and faster results.

If you’re using hemp oil for improved immunity, combine it with a balanced diet and sufficient exercise.

If you want better hair and skin, stop using chemical laden shampoos and conditioners and switch to herbal products.

You get the drift.

Health Benefits Of Hemp Oil For Hair

Bottle of hemp seed oil

Hemp oil has many ingredients to provide nutrients for human health and beauty.

Essential fatty acids and protein are the most valuable ingredients and used in various beauty and health products in the market today.

Does hemp oil really contribute to better health results?

It’s well known that unscrupulous marketers often make tall claims about products, even though there is no or little scientific evidence to support those claims.

So is hemp oil really beneficial for health, or is it just hype?

Here are all the proven health benefits of hemp oil that I could find. And the list is long. All of them are based on scientific research.

Treat Dry Lifeless Hair

One of the most popular hemp oil benefits is its ability to treat dry hair. The pure form of hemp oil can be used or applied directly to scalp and hair as daily treatment.


Its emollient property is good for both hair and skin.

About Shampoo’s for Hair

There are many hair beauty products (such as shampoo, conditioner, and moisturizer) that use hemp oil as the main ingredient.

Hemp oil is rich in protein, fats and linoleic acid. As you will read about shortly.

The Fats help to moisturize the skin and scalp. Protein helps to improve quality of hair.

Hemp oil can be applied directly onto the hair and scalp or it can be consumed orally – you may also try a combination of both.

RELATED: What your Hair can tell you about your Health?

Rejuvenates and Energize the Skin

Hemp oil is an emollient that helps to preserve a good amount of water in the skin. Owing to the high concentration of omega 3 and omega 6 fats, the composition of hemp oil is similar to that of skin lipid.

In other words, it moisturizes and softens skin condition. As water retention ability is improved, skin elasticity makes a great benefit.

If you have dry skin type, applying hemp oil is always a good idea. It helps to restore dry, flaky skin, weak nails and frizzy, lifeless hair.

The pure organic form of hemp oil does not contain chemicals, so it does not alter the natural skin type.

No wonder it is an important ingredient in several skin, hair and beauty products.

ALSO SEE: Benefits of Avocado for Skin

Regenerate Irritated Skin

Human skin has an organic compound that dissolves in alcohols, fats, and oils. This compound is commonly called lipid.

Hemp oil has similar composition to lipids, so it can be such excellent substance for skin cells regeneration.

Essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 are the most important nutrients that perform this function.

Hemp oil is both moisturizer and emollient, so it is able to calm or regenerate irritated skin effectively.

Help Patients With Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the most common form of eczema. Patients commonly have dry skin because they lose too much moisture.

A scientific study suggests that the use of dermal medication decreases after hemp oil treatments are applied.

Regulate Hormone Balance

Hemp oil is the only non-poisonous natural seed containing GLA (gamma-linolenic acid). The body converts linoleic acid into a protective hormone knows as prostaglandin PGE1.

The main function of this substance is to help to promote menopausal health and hormonal balance. It also strengthens the immune system and reverses ageing.

So, you can use the oil in salad and many other types of recipes.

Cardio-Protective Effects

Consuming high amounts of cholesterol increases the tendency of blood to clot.

Nonetheless, when supplemented with hemp oil, the tendency remains at normal level. Why? It is because hemp oil promotes healthy blood flow to body organs.

Such studies prove that hemp oil benefits are not only for hair and skin beauty, but also for cardiovascular health.

Ideal Combination of Fatty Acids

The ideal ratio of essential fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 is 3:1. This property is only possessed by hemp oil naturally.

Vegetable oils may contain these fatty acids, but the ratio is not ideal for human needs. It makes hemp oil stand out from the crowd compared to other highly valued essential oils.

Hemp Oil Help Lower Cholesterol

Hemp is the only vegetarian food that contains omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids in a 3:1 ratio.

Most people get a lot of omega 6 from their diets, but not enough omega 3. Consuming the right ratio of healthy fats prevents cholesterol from being deposited along the inner walls of arteries. Hemp oil also aids in improving the metabolic rate.

This causes fat to burn at a faster rate and promotes weight loss.

Overall Well-being

All in all, there are plenty of hemp oil benefits you can acquire. As a beauty solution, it can act as moisturizer yet it also regenerates skin cells.

Hemp oil is as well proven effective to help to relive and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, hemp oil can be regarded as one of the most valuable natural substances for human health and beauty.

Vegetarians and Vegans

People who consume a plant based diet often have trouble consuming the right ratio of essential fatty acids.

Hemp oil is a simple yet effective solution to this problem.

Also, vegans and vegetarians are worried about their protein intake – hemp seeds are high in protein but not very high in overall calories.

Hemp oil is 25% protein.

Fights Against Psoriasis

Studies prove that psoriasis occurs due to a deficiency of omega 6 fats in the body. As hemp oil is rich in omega 6 – it helps to moisturize the skin.

We have already mentioned the fact that it lowers cholesterol and improves cardiac health. This process ensures a better supply of blood to all parts of the body.

Oxygen rich blood and hydration are crucial in the fight against psoriasis.

Helps Control Diabetes

Diabetes and cardiovascular disease almost always go hand in hand. By improving cardiovascular health, hemp oil automatically cuts down the risk of developing diabetes.

Also, hemp is low is carbohydrates and high in good fats and protein, therefore, it prevents spikes in blood sugar.

Reduce Varicose Veins

Hemp oil helps in thinning the blood; it improves blood circulation and prevents formation of clots.

Varicose veins is a painful condition where in the veins become twisted and increase in size and the valves that are responsible for pumping blood malfunction.

Hence, deoxygenated blood is not pumped back to the heart. This causes severe pain and cramps. Hemp oil contains essential fatty acids and nutrients that prevent varicose veins.

Ensure Proper Function of Nervous System

The fats contained in hemp oil help improve the health of cell membranes. Nerve cells are protected by a membrane known as myelin.

Hemp oil prevents the demyelisation (destruction of the membrane) of nerve cells.

Hemp Oil Improves Immune System

Extensive studies have proven that many common illnesses are related to deficiency of essential fatty acids.

They are known as essential fats because the human body does not have the ability to produce them. They must be obtained from external sources only. However, the diet of most humans is not rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats.

It is high in saturated and hydrogenated fats. This is due to the fact that people eat more animal fats than plan based fats and consumer packaged foods rather than opting for organic foodstuffs.

Hemp oil has the right balance of fats and it is also rich in vitamin E, antioxidants, carotene, chlorophyll, zinc, phosphorus etc.

Hence, it galvanizes the immune system and helps the body to ward off diseases.

OK, so now we have discovered the benefits, let’s look at the negatives.

Hemp Oil Side Effects?

Hemp oil is a 100% natural product. There are no known harmful side effects.

However, keep these things in mind while using hemp oil.

1. Hemp Oil Should Not Be Heated

High temperatures alter the chemical composition of the oil. Hemp oil is best consumed at room temperature – use it in your salad dressing, it has a nice nutty taste!

As a rule, hemp oil should not be heated to or above 121 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 50 degrees Celsius).

When exposed to high heat, the polyunsaturated fats get converted into peroxides.

2. Hemp Oil Is An Anticoagulant

This is actually great since it thins out blood and reduces blood pressure.

However, if you are a heart patient – chances are that you are already on some kind of blood thinning drug.

Hence, it is advisable to talk to your doctor before you begin to consume hemp oil on a daily basis.

3. Avoid High Doses Of Hemp Oil

Moderation is essential as high doses can cause diarrhea, nausea, soft stools and abdominal cramps.

Hence, the oil should be kept out of the reach of small children.

4. Hemp Oil Must Be Stored Safely

Hemp oil must be stored in a dark, cool, airy place to prevent oxidation.
Avoid direct exposure to sunlight.

Keep the oil in an airtight container in the refrigerator to increase its shelf life.

Once you open a bottle, make sure that you use up its contents within eight to twelve weeks. (Read manufacturers’ instructions)

Hemp Oil Questions People Also Ask

Questions and Answers about Hemp Oil for Hair

What is hemp oil and how is it obtained?

natural hemp oil products

Hemp oil is produced by pressing raw seeds of the plant Cannabis Sativa.

Many people are under the impression that hemp is marijuana (or weed).

This is not true – marijuana is a completely different strain of cannabis.

Unlike weed, hemp does not induce a high when ingested.
Hemp has a number of industrial uses: It is used to manufacture rope, resin, clot, wax, paper, pulp and even fuel.

Hemp seeds are consumed as a food and hemp oil has a number of health benefits. Hemp is an excellent source of protein, insoluble fibre, polyunsaturated fats and omega 3 and 6 fats.

Plus, it is loaded with potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron, calcium and phosphorus. Hemp also contains several micro-elements such as thorium, arsenic, chromium and strontium.

Since hemp oil contains good fats – it is great for cardiovascular health. Research also indicates that the linoleic acid present in hemp oil can reverse ageing and fight skin related ailments such as psoriasis.

Hemp oil helps to arrest hair loss and also boosts the immune system.

Is hemp oil legal?

Yes! It is perfectly legal.

In fact, it is grown on a large scale in almost all industrialized nations, except the USA.

While it is true that both hemp and marijuana belong to the same species of plant – Cannabis Sativa, their strains are completely different.

Here is an example to help you understand better. The two dog breeds Chihuahua and the Great Dane belong to the same species – Canis Familiari.

However, they differ greatly in terms of size, temperament, behaviour, genetic traits and so on.

Marijuana has a concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), both of which are responsible for inducing a feeling of high.

Hemp oil contains infinitesimal amounts of THC and CBD and hence it can be consumed legally.

In 2001, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) of the USA issued a rule that banned all hemp foods.

However, the Hemp Industries Association (HIA) challenged this rule. It filed a case against the DEA and won. It was concluded that hemp foods have no psychoactive effect on the person consuming them.

On the contrary, hemp has a pleasant flavor profile and numerous health benefits. It is perfectly legal to buy, consume and import hemp products into the USA.

You can read more about the DEA vs HIA case here

Will I fail a drug test if I consume hemp oil?

Great question!

Depending upon the country that you live in, you might have to undergo drug tests in order to gain or retain employment.

In the US, all federal employees are subject to drug testing. The practice is even being introduced to the private sector. So how does consumption of hemp oil affect drug test results?

Well, as long as you are using oil from a reputable source and consuming it within reasonable quantities, it HIGHLY UNLIKELY that you will fail a drug test.

The amounts of THC and CBD in hemp oil are barely measurable – unless you are literally drinking hemp oil, you have nothing to fear.

Still, if you are worried about testing positive, you should only buy hemp products from companies that have committed to TESTPLEDGE.

These companies limit THC levels in their products so that they cannot interfere with test results of consumers.

No problem if you cannot find TESTPLEDGE products in your country – you can order online!

Remember – as long as you are consuming 100% natural, organic hemp oil that has been pressed by a trusted agency, you are well in the clear!

What do you mean by abnormally high doses? How much hemp oil should I consume? Is there a recommended dose?

Health experts suggest a dose of one to two tablespoons of hemp oil per day (1 tablespoon = 14 ml). If you are consuming hemp seeds, the dose is three to five tablespoons per day (shelled seeds).

Can hemp oil cure cancer?

There is not enough scientific evidence to establish hemp oil as a direct cure for cancer.

Still, many holistic health experts insist that hemp oil does indeed have to ability to fight cancerous cells.

There are a lot of success stories where in people have cured cancer through natural treatments involving hemp oil.

You can read more about them here:

If hemp oil is so great, why don’t doctors recommend it?

Some health practitioners do recommend it. Sadly, most doctors are not focussed as much on nutrition as they are on prescription drugs. This is the ugly truth of the medical industry.

There is no money in recommending natural cures to people. Medical research is funded by pharmaceutical companies; these companies need patients to rely on THEIR products, not natural cures and supplements.

For example: If a person is losing hair, it is much more lucrative for the doctor to recommend a hair transplant, which costs thousands of dollars.
It is true that modern medicine has saved (and is saving) billions of lives.

Alternative medicine and therapies are pretty much useless in emergencies such as broken bones, internal haemorrhage etc. You should respect modern medicine but not rely on it for long term holistic health.