Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice: Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Your Hair

Aloe Vera is a wonderful plant full of healing powers. The juice is especially beneficial for both your hair and your skin.

Read why it’s important and how to use if carefully.

Aloe Vera Juice Is A Natural Conditioner

Aloe vera juice is a great natural conditioner for your hair. You can use it as a leave-in or mix a bit with your shampoo before applying it to your strands.

This will help keep your locks moisturized and shiny as well as fight dryness. Apply aloe vera juice to your scalp before bed for an extra soothing experience or use it to make a homemade paste for frizzy hair.

Aloe vera juice is rich in natural proteins, vitamin E, and other nutrients that promote healthy growth of the locks. Use it on damaged ends before you style them for an extra boost of shine and smoothness.

Aloe vera juice is a cost effective alternative to store bought conditioner. It can be used as a leave in conditioner or mixed with your shampoo for extra lather.

It can be used as a replacement for gel, and will help your hair stay soft and frizz free. Add aloe vera to your favorite conditioner and apply it to your scalp, the anti-inflammatory properties will soothe any itching or dandruff.

Aloe Vera Juice soothes the scalp and helps fight dryness and breakage. Start off with a good conditioner to de-tangle the hair and comb the conditioner through from root to end.

Rinse, then apply fresh aloe juice to your hair as a final rinse after shampooing.

Do not use Aloe Vera gel as this can leave a sticky residue on your hair shafts that will attract more dirt.

Also, be careful not to use too much of the juice on your hair as this can make it limp and weigh down the curls.

It’s rich in protein, vitamin E, and other nutrients that promote healthy growth of your locks and prevent hair loss and hair damage.

It also moisturizes your scalp and the nutrient-rich juice absorbs easily into your hair, leaving it soft and shiny. The juice is excellent for those who color their strands as it helps restore your natural pigment after you’ve lightened your locks.

The use of Aloe Vera juice in your regimen can help prevent split ends by adding shine and protecting your hair from the elements while keeping it moisturized.

Aloe Vera juice also contains enzymes that dissolve protein buildups on the surface of your hair that cause split ends.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Hair

One of the best sources of nutrients naturally available is Aloe Vera, especially for hair treatment.

Aloe Vera provides almost everything that is needed to maintain good health and beauty.

It can be regarded as an all-in-one solution for hair problems such as dandruff, dryness, sun damage and hair loss.

Below you will find benefits and how to use Aloe Vera juice for hair.

Attractive young woman receiving aloe vera massage at spa center

Learn how to Make an Aloe Vera Shampoo at home

1. Moisturizing hair

There is a lot of contributing factors when it comes to dull dry damaged hair and without appropriate hair care you may experience problems that will continue to worsen with time.

Aloe Vera juice is a natural hair treatment solution that restores the hair and scalps natural condition and ph level.

Aloe Vera is known for its ability to provide proper hydration and moisture for each individual hair strand, it can also be used as a leave in hair moisturizer and deep conditioning treatment.

2. Prevents hair loss

Hair loss can be caused from a number of reasons and can be an embarrassing and worrying problem for both man and woman.

Hair loss prevention is one of the best benefits of Aloe Vera juice for hair.

In the hair market, you can find numerous hair treatment products such as shampoo and conditioner that use Aloe Vera as the main ingredient.

3. Prevents oily hair

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When mixed with the proper substance, such as lemon juice, aloe Vera acts as an astringent that will remove excess oil.

Apply the mixture directly to the hair, and then leave it for a few minutes.

In the mean time, mix a few drops of Aloe Vera juice with a shampoo.

Use the shampoo to wash the hair thoroughly.

4. Reduces dandruff

Other great benefits of Aloe Vera juice for hair are treating dandruff and seborrhea. Dandruff can also be accompanied with hair loss problems.

The fact is you need to treat the dandruff problem first so that you can prevent further hair loss happening.

For the treatment of dandruff, simply apply aloe vera juice, massage into scalp and leave it for 30 minutes before shampooing. Re apply weekly for one month.

Seborrhea is a problem triggered by excessive sebum produced by sebaceous glands.

In many cases, this oil-like substance can mix easily with dirt and dust, which will finally create crusts on the scalp. In other words, seborrhea causes hair loss.

Aloe Vera can help to treat the hair loss problem, but it is recommended that you consult your doctor for complete seborrhea treatment.

5. Maintains the pH level of the hair and scalp

Natural pH level of hair and scalp is 4 – 4.5, while Aloe Vera’s pH level is 4.5 – 5.5.

Therefore, the plant can be used to restore hair and scalp to its natural condition without using additional chemical substances.

A proper pH level will help the hair to maintain its ability to retain moisture.

Aloe Vera juce on your hair benefits

How to Use Aloe Vera Juice on Your Hair

Aloe Vera juice is also commercially available. You can either purchase the product or create the formula at home. It is easy to apply aloe Vera juice to hair and scalp, as instructed in the following list.

You may also need additional substances including coconut oil, shampoo, moisturizer, conditioner, and other essential oils.

Those products are also readily available so you can perform the following methods easily at home.

1. Preparation

In a bowl, mix half a cup of Aloe Vera juice and 2 tbsp of another essential oil, e.g. hemp seed, avocado, jojoba, grape seed, or olive oil.

In a separate bowl, melt a quarter cup of coconut oil. Do not use microwave or stove to melt the oil, but you should only sit its container/jar/bottle in hot water.

2. Applying the Mixture

Apply the formula to freshly washed hair. Firstly divide your hair into 4 sections. The first section starting from the center front to the base of the nape at the back and then from ear to ear, pinning each 4 sections separate.

Apply the mixture of Aloe Vera juice and essential oil to each section of your scalp making sure you have completely covered the scalp with the mixture, then massage through for approx 5 minutes, with the remaining mixture distribute through to the ends of the hair.

3. Applying the Aloe Vera

Unpin a section of your hair, and then apply the Aloe Vera Juice. Do not forget to pin it up again when you have applied the coconut oil. Perform this step one hair section at a time until all sections are treated.

This process may take a little time, but you must perform it for optimum results. Next, use a plastic shower cap and cover the head for 15 minutes to an hour.

4. Wash Your Hair and Scalp

To get the entire benefits of Aloe Vera juice for hair, complete the treatment by washing your hair and scalp thoroughly with a good quality shampoo, and conditioning and moisturize your hair for maximum results.

Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice for Health

The Aloe Vera gel can be easily blended with another citrus-based fruit juices such as cranberry and pomegranate, orange and grapefruit.

By combining those two different drinkable juices, you are likely to gain plenty of health benefits, as well as creating a delicious beverage.

Aside from being a delicious beverage, their are a multitude of health benefits to boot.

The Five main health benefits of Aloe Vera Juice are explained in the following passages.

1. Curing Constipation

Various stomach problems such as constipation, gas, and bloating are very common.

Drinking juice that is made from Aloe Vera gel is known to be effective in promoting healthy digestion.

After drinking the juice, it may take around ten hours before you can begin to feel the effect.

The juice is a natural relief from constipation, but it may not be able to help the problem completely.

You should consult doctor before drinking the juice for such condition. When consumed in large amount, the juice can damage the intestines.

2. Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

Research concerning the effectiveness of Aloe Vera gel in reducing blood sugar levels continues.

At least one particular study suggests that processed Aloe Vera can effectively lower blood glucose level.

The gel or juice does its job by decreasing insulin resistance level.

However, you should be aware that the study experimented with overweight mice.

Therefore, the best guess until now is that Aloe Vera gel can also treat non-insulin-dependent diabetes in mice.

For human, this case still requires more dependable scientific evidences.

3. Reduces Anemia

People with anemia may also benefit from Aloe Vera.

Consuming or drinking juice from aloe vera gel before meal can help to stimulate bone marrow which creates white and red blood cells.

Anemia is a condition caused by low amount of red blood cells.

Therefore, as the juice stimulates bone marrow, number of blood cells should improve as well.

Headache and fatigue related to anemia are possibly cured by drinking this juice, too.

4. Boosts Immune System

As previously mentioned, juice created from Aloe Vera gel stimulates the production of white blood cells.

In the body, white blood cells fight viruses, so the immune system is logically improved.

The juice is good for patients with chronic immune disorder, for example fibromyalgia.

There is a substance called polysaccharides found in Aloe Vera, which may stimulate macrophages, too.

Macrophages are white blood cells that function specifically to fight against viruses.

5. Encourages Weight Loss

In general, drinking the juice stimulates metabolism system to work faster, so it reduces the amount of time for the ingested food to stay in your body.

You also know from the previous points that Aloe Vera gel promotes healthy defecation and reduces blood sugar level in overweight mice.

If the foods stay only a little while, the metabolism system will not be able to absorb the entire calories contained.

In other words, this type of juice stimulates the digestive system or forces the foods to move more quickly than usual.

All types of fruits, plants, and foods basically offer benefits, but they also have disadvantages depending on your overall health conditions.

Health benefits of Aloe Vera juice are numerous, but different people may also experience different results.

5 Side Effects of Drinking Aloe Vera Juice

Despite the fact that Aloe Vera offers plenty of benefits for human health and beauty, drinking the juice may trigger some dangerous side effects.

It is always recommended to consult your doctor before consuming such a beverage, especially if you have any underlying health condition.

Five common side effects associated with drinking Aloe Vera juice are described below.

1. Diarrhea

Juice made of a whole leaf of Aloe Vera contains laxative known as aloe latex. Some people drink the juice before a meal to help the digestive system to absorb nutrients and break down the foods. It may help you to stimulate bowel movement or reduce constipation, but it also causes diarrhea and cramping in some cases.

You should consult your doctor concerning this issue. It is best to prevent this side effect, because diarrhea caused by this laxative effect is often severe and accompanied by dehydration, pain, and stomach cramps.

2. Laxative effects

Aloe latex is contained in the inner leaf of Aloe Vera. It is the yellow-colored part that lies beneath each leaf skin. As mentioned earlier, drinking a juice made of a whole leaf of Aloe Vera can help to reduce constipation, but prolonged consumption (more than a week) of the beverage may lead to dependency.

Aloe Vera’s laxative has addictive properties, meaning you may need to increase the dose over time to get the same laxative effect. The laxative also has permanent effect on colon health.

3. Allergic Reaction

People with allergies to plants in the Liliaceae family are likely to develop allergic reaction when using aloe vera juice either orally or topically.

Some plants included in the Liliaceae family are onions, tulips, lilies, hyacinths, and garlic. Symptoms of allergic reactions may include skin rash, chest pain, difficulty breathing, swollen skin, and hives.

An allergic reaction to Aloe Vera juice is considered a medical emergency. You can actually determine if an allergic reaction is possible by performing a simple patch test on your skin.

4. Interaction with Drugs

If you are currently taking any medication, you should consult your doctor before drinking Aloe Vera juice. The laxative in Aloe Vera can greatly reduce the ability of the digestive system to absorb or metabolize medicines.

Consuming Aloe Vera juice and diuretic drugs at the same time can also decrease potassium level.

5. Blood Sugar Imbalances

Drinking Aloe Vera juice can reduce blood sugar. If you are taking medication to regulate blood sugar or diabetes, you should not consume the beverage.

People who regularly take medications such as insulin may experience blood sugar imbalances as well, so they need to be very cautious about drinking the juice. It is best not to drink it unless under medical supervision.