Healthy Hair

6 Effective Tips to Get More Healthy Hair With Minimal Effort

Your hair is one of the most noticeable parts of your body, yet it’s considerably vulnerable to damage because of both external and internal factors.

Most notably, pollution and improper hair care products can be the main factors. But you will also need to pay close attention to some internal factors such as diet and stress.

In this article we will cover some of the most effective tips to get healthy hair that you probably never thought of.

1. A Healthy Diet

Hair is also part of your body, which needs good supply of nutrition to maintain its healthy condition.

Here are some recommended foods for this purpose such as dark green vegetables and fish.

Plenty of Dark Green Vegetables

Dark vegetables like Swiss chard and broccoli contains large amount of vitamin C and A.

These vitamins are needed by the body to produce sebum which is a natural hair moisturizer secreted by hair follicles.

Fish with High Omega-3

Fish, including Salmon, contains omega-3 fatty acids which are important to maintain scalp health.

2. Manage Your Stress

Is your hair a mess?

Stress is a psychological problem that can lead to physiological change.

When this happens, your hair health is probably the most easily affected.

Based on this assumption, managing stress should help you get more healthy hair.

Use Yoga or Meditation to Manage Stress

Practicing yoga or meditation is considered effective to relieve stress.

It also improves blood circulation in the body, which is generally good for hair health.

Related: 9 things your hair can tell you about your health

3. Drink Plenty of Water

Water plays major role in maintaining your overall health condition. Dehydration or insufficient water intake can lead to dry and dull hair.

If you like coffee or tea, you should only drink them in moderate amount to avoid dehydration also.

These drinks are Diuretic, with cause you to to go to the bathroom more often and can reduce the amount of water in the body.

2Ltrs or 8 glasses per day

Eight glasses of water each day is generally recommended.

This can vary depending on the size or weight of the individual. Also drink more water if you exercise or the weather is hot.

4. Avoid Overuse of Shampoo

Shampooing is the easiest way to maintain hair and scalp health.

It also helps to supply nutrition for the hair, but you should not use it excessively.

2-3 Times Per Week

The ideal frequency is around two to three times a week.

Shampooing too often can cause hair loss, especially if you use the wrong kind of shampoo which is actually not suitable for your particular hair type.

Interesting: How to choose the right shampoo for your hair

5. Minimize Use of Hair Dryer

The main purpose of a hair dryer is to help you to dry more quickly after washing. Hair dryer applies heat to dry the hair.

However, frequent use of hair dryer can disrupt production of oil by the follicles. It is best to let you hair dry naturally.

6. Choose Hair Care Products Wisely

The market provides countless hair products for everybody. You should only choose certain hair products manufactured specifically for your hair type.

Some shampoos are chemical-based, while others use herbal formulations. You have to check the list of ingredients attached to every bottle of shampoo before buying.

Please make sure that you only buy shampoos formulated from healthy ingredients.

Go Natural: The best places to buy peppermint oil for your hair

SaveIf you follow these guideline you will notice a marked improvement in the healthy of your hair and your body.