Classic Browline Glasses

Browline Glasses: Vintage Glasses But Still Classic Eyewear

All Time Favorite Browline Glasses

Vintage glasses is the latest style fashion statement for an individual these days.

If you’re purchasing prescription vintage glasses for regular use or you just want to create a cool impression. You are automatically creating a different angle of your personality by wearing them.

However, many of these eyeglasses are not of vintage quality. Many are modified versions of its original vintage counterparts. Which were very popular in 1950s, 1960s etc.

Well, there is a certain type of glass which is called the browline glasses that was very popular at that time.

Animal print browline sunglasses
Modern looking Animal Print Sunglasses

Popularity Since 1950’s

In the recent times, the browline glasses are a very well-known style of the so called vintage glasses. They used to be very popular among the population of 1950s and early 1960s.

The name browline came from the resemblance of how the thick, black portion of the browline glasses frames border the lenses with how the eyebrows frame the eyes.

After the 1960s, its popularity was a bit suppressed by incoming trend of solid plastic glasses.
Another reason was its upper plastic portion used to shrink with the passing of time resulting it to loosen from the main metal chassis of glass.

Browline 1950s Eyeglasses
Browline 1950s Eyeglasses are still modern

Ray Ban Brought Changes

However, in the 1980s, Ray Ban modified the design of browline glasses which once again made the people interested in them. The glasses came into the limelight and become the center of attraction for those people.

During the year 1986, the company started to produce Ray Ban browline glasses which are both sunglasses and eyeglasses and were popularly known as:

  • Wayfarer Max
  • Clubmaster
RayBan 50's Style

Online Availability

In these days, many people who are obsessed with eyeglasses of different frames and styles also enjoy wearing these unique vintage glasses according to their mood and occasion.

Well if you really wish to have them, then you may go online and search for them in various online outlets.

You will be amazed to know that some online shops still provides the original ones which were produced back in the said times when these glasses were popular.

If you wish to purchase it, then you may purchase the real ones as there are browline glasses for sale via online.

Fashion Browline Eyewear
Mocha Brown Fashion Eyewear Frames

It is true that in the modern days, every single thing is being changed or modified according to the suitability and acceptance of people’s choice.

But still, there are some people of this age who prefer to make an individual image of himself or herself among other people.

They always try to make something different or wear something different in order to make an individual representation which will help one to stand out from the rest.

And if they have an obsession for vintage stuff, then browline glasses will be an ideal thing for them because these glasses provide a classic look.

These unique vintage glasses which are, in fact the opposite of today’s modern cool rimless frames, can be worn by the elderly, adults or the young ones. Whether it is for function or just for fashion, these glasses will surely give you that classic and vintage look that you always wanted.

Types of Fashion Frames for Glasses

What is the best type of frames for eyeglasses?

These days, there is a wide array of selections when it comes to types of frames for glasses – each of them has different shape, materials used, and size.

Generally speaking, it is hard to determine if the frame is high quality or not, especially if this is your first time to buy one.

However, there are certain signs that tell whether a frame is made from good materials or not.

To know what these signs are, continue reading on the list below.

Popular Eyewear Frame Types

Common Frame Types

As stated above, the choices on frames are almost innumerable. To help you decide easily, we have listed the most common and top-rated types of frames for glasses to date.

Types of Frames for Glasses

Rimless Eyeglasses

As the name implies, rimless eyeglasses are glasses that have no frame at all. Typically, these glasses come in 3 separate pieces: the 2 temples and nose portion.

Since it has no frame, the lenses contribute to the strength of the whole frame so it is imperative to use Trivex or polycarbonate material into these glasses.

When choosing, always keep an eye on badly mounted rimless eyeglasses. After a short while of using these glasses, they will start to rattle or worse, develop cracks in the lens area.

Half Rimless Eyeglasses

These glasses feature a frame design with a rim on one half of the lens, usually on the top portion.

Oftentimes, the lenses are secured in place by a nylon string; however, there are some varieties that are drilled right into the frames so that a nylon string won’t be necessary.

Classic Browline Glasses

Reading Eyeglasses

This general term refers to eyeglasses that are used only for close reading purposes.

To allow this, the lens magnifies any object that is near to it; for example, the letters printed in a book.

To determine the best pair of glasses for you, you can seek the advice of an eye doctor or simply practice trial and error.

Browline Eyeglasses

Constructed by combining durable plastic or aluminum and metal, browline glasses are simply glasses that have thicker frames at the upper portion of the lenses.

If you want something that will frame your face the same way your brows frames it, then these glasses are for you.

Whether your face is round, oval, square, or elongated, there are surely types of frames for glasses that will suit you. Take your pick from these choices today to improve your vision and stay stylish at the same time.

Round Eyeglasses: Classic Fashion Statement That Makes You Look Nerdy

Does the shape of your glasses compliments the contour of your face? Round eyeglasses has revived its popularity because of the recent movies that featured its fashionable catch like Harry Potter series.

The round frame makes the wearer look serious, gothic and brainy. The classic black solid frame is typically associated with spectacles.

Generally, the type of frame you are wearing can alter the whole look of your face.

The style of your glasses is as important as the style of your clothes, shoes and bag.

Main Purpose of Wearing

Different faces calls for different shape of eye glasses and shades. If you are required to permanently wear eye glasses for eyesight correction for permanent eye damage, you have to pick the shape that looks good on you.

Round eyeglasses are used by people who have square face. The roundness of the frame balances of the edges of the jaw.

The result is a softened expression of a supposed to be strong and very manly square face.

round rimless eyeglasses
Round rimless eyeglasses

What are other Shapes of Eyeglasses?

Eyeglasses come in different shapes because people have different facial contour.

The shapes which you can find in the market today are:

Butterfly taper shaped glasses. This is made for those with thin cheeks.

Rectangular shaped eyeglasses. This is for those who want their faces to look longer and thinner because the viewer’s eyes run along the long rectangular lines.

Squared-off frames. This is the most popular type since oval-shaped faces are widely spread.

The softened edges of the rectangular frame make the longitudinal face pulled up to the cheek bones.

Different Types of Round Eyeglasses

Round ReadingGlasses

You can find many styles of glasses under the category of rounded frame alone.

The most common types that you can find are:

Round rimless eyeglasses

This is used only for reading. The edges are sensitive to breakage because of the lack of support from a frame.

Small round eyeglasses

This is often chosen by people who wanted a pair of reading glasses only.

Round eye glasses for men

This became popular during the late nineties. The round small frames are often shaded with blue and cover only the portion of the eyes just like Mr. Lova-Lova.

Browline glasses

This design has frame only on the top of the lens. It gives unbounded view towards the bottom of the lens.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Fashion-wise, it is best for retro 50’s and playful looks especially if you wear it with colored frames.

There are only some few people who look great with such shape. Typically, oval-shaped face is the generic shape just like blood type “O”.

There are many popular people who wear such rounded shape. Hollywood starts like Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Trudy Pitts and Jennifer Aniston.

Rounded frame eyeglasses are worn over the years to convey a certain fashion style. It has leveled up from spectacles to an accessory that commands your personal orientation.

Round eyeglasses will stay in fashion because of its unique personality and choosy fitting style.

Progressive Glasses: The Cure For Presbyopia

What are progressive eyeglasses? Progressive glasses are those eyeglasses with lens that cures presbyopia.

This is a condition usually comes to older people where their eyes have a progressive incapacity to focus on things.

Reading and identifying small objects becomes hard. These eyeglasses correct because the gradient of the lens gradually increases.

Addition gradient increases with the degree of presbyopia.

Typically, the older the person is, the greater the addition to the gradient is given.

What are Progressive Reading Glasses?


This type of lens is also called Progressive Addition Lenses or PAL.

This is a multifocal reading glass where the wearer can focus on a particular thing.

The gradient starts at the top most portion of the lens and gradually increases towards the bottom.

This provides a relaxing effect on the eyes since there are no bothersome demarcation lines from a normal glass to a graded lens.

The eyes do not have to adjust with the abrupt transition of focus from non-graded glass to bifocal lens.

Advantages Over Other Types of Glasses

This type of reading glasses is preferred by many who are suffering from prebyopia because:

It has a clear view even on a normal position of the eye. The eyes do not have to adjust on a particular sight because the gradient is good all over the portion of the lens.

Especially with browline glasses where there is no frame, the sight is not bounded by the border.

The correct lens power for a good viewing distance needs just a short movement of the eye to adjust.

The view is continuous in all areas since there is no line that separates the no-gradient lens to the graded portion of the glass unlike what you can see in bifocal and trifocal eyeglasses.

There are also progressive bifocal reading glasses which are made without cut in the middle so that the eye do not have to experience abrupt change of viewing.

What are the Disadvantages

Progressive glasses also have its disadvantages over bifocal and trifocal glasses.

These are:

Distortion. The topmost portion of the lens has lesser grad that the bottom. So, the things from the wearer’s point of view are in cone-shape.

View on the periphery of your eyesight is distorted because the focal gradient is focused on the center.

Expensive. If you compare the price with bifocal or trifocal, these type of glasses are more expensive.

However, you can shop in the web and look for sale and discounted items to get cheap progressive glasses.

Difficulty in fitting. This is because it needs a meticulous adjustment with the wearer’s pupil position.

If you do not like to adjust your eyes abruptly from non- graded glasses to graded gradient.

Progressive glasses can offer you great viewing sight that is continuous and corrective.

Contact Lens Vs Eyeglasses: An Eyewear Comparison

What are the pros and cons of the eyeglasses compared to contact lenses?

Contacts v glasses

These eyewear have been around for quite a long time now, however, the battle between contact lens vs eyeglasses still remains rampant until today.

Young or old, there is always a pair of contact lens or glasses that will fit your needs.

However, if you have been using one of them for a very long time now, it can be quite difficult to switch from one to the other.

So to help users decide on which eyewear is the best, this article has created a detailed comparison of both.

Comparison Details

Let the battle between contact lens vs eyeglasses begin!


With eyeglasses, the gap between the lens and your eyes can sometimes bring misrepresentation to your vision. Since contact lenses are worn directly into the eyes, your vision is virtually more natural.

stylish browline glasses

Time of Usage

You can wear any eyeglasses – even browline glasses – all the time.
Disposable contact lenses should be worn for no more than 14 hours.


Eyeglasses can sometimes get in the way, particularly during sports and games.

With contact lenses, there are no distractions at all.


If you wear eyeglasses, you cannot wear non-prescription fashion eyeglasses when you want to.

Because they rest directly into your eyes, you can wear virtually any types of glasses there is to complement your wardrobe.

Response to Weather Conditions

There are times when wearing eyeglasses is frustrating; for example, when there is rain or snowfall.

Regardless of the weather condition, contact lenses will not catch moisture and won’t affect your vision.

Choosing Contact Lens vs Eyeglasses


When not in use, contact lenses should always be submerged under a cleansing solution and should be replaced within a specific period of time.

This is a tedious daily routine if one is wearing an extended type of contact lens.

Eyeglasses are prone to dirt and other debris; however, they are easy to remove using a soft cloth.


Prices of contact lenses range from $18 to $250. These prices are subjected to the patient’s eye condition and the package of your preference (extended or disposal).

Depending on the supplier and eye problem, prices of eyeglasses can go from $70 up to $200.

After this comparison of contact lens vs eyeglasses, most probably you have now decided on which particular eyewear will best work for you.

But before you rush and buy the first pair that catches your attention, be sure to get the advice of an optometrist, especially if you have an ongoing eye condition.







