Category Archives for Hair

Healthy Hair

6 Effective Tips to Get More Healthy Hair With Minimal Effort

Your hair is one of the most noticeable parts of your body, yet it’s considerably vulnerable to damage because of both external and internal factors.

Most notably, pollution and improper hair care products can be the main factors. But you will also need to pay close attention to some internal factors such as diet and stress.

In this article we will cover some of the most effective tips to get healthy hair that you probably never thought of.

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Where to buy peppermint oil for your hair

Best Place to Buy Peppermint Oil for Your Hair

Peppermint oil can be used as a flavoring agent in foods and remedy for various conditions.

You can extract the oil by soaking leaves of peppermint plant in alcohol, but you must wait for around two weeks until the oil is ready to use.

Luckily, peppermint oil is available in many stores as follows

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Make peppermint oil at home

How to Make Peppermint Oil for Your Hair at Home

Peppermint oil is extracted or distilled from peppermint plant seeds, which is available in abundance especially in North America and Europe.

It is commonly used as additive for health products for hair, skin scalp, and more.

Homemade peppermint oil is as good as the commercially available one.

Follow these instructions to make peppermint oil at your home.

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Peppermint Oil for Hair: Benefits For Health Skin and Hair

Peppermint oil is an excellent solution for hair and skin problems, however this is not its only function.

This essential oil also works as natural anti-bacterial or anti-inflammatory medication.

This is because it contains essential nutrients including vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and a tonne more.

Let’s look at this in more detail.

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how to grow and make aloe vera at home

How to Grow and Make Home Made Aloe Vera Shampoo and Other Products – Step by Step Guide

Aloe Vera is a well-known plant for it produces a beneficial gel offering numerous functions to promote human health.

Even better, the gel can be consumed either orally or topically to skin, scalp, and hair.

Ready-to-consume Aloe Vera Juice Drinks Containing Aloe Vera gel is commercially available, but making a homemade juice is also easy.

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how to color hair for woman at home

22 Hair Coloring Tips for Women at Home – Including Specific Color Hair Types

There are women who prefer to color their hair at home since regular visits to colorists turn out to be pricey.

Unfortunately, many of these women do not understand the basics of hair coloring and how to apply hair color.

So instead of ending up with an unwanted hair color disaster, it is always better to take a look at some useful hair coloring tips.

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Young girl caring for curly hair tips with yellow hemp oil

Hemp Oil for Hair – Benefits for Skin and Health and for Well-Being

People often ask; Does Hemp Oil Produce Guaranteed Results?

The truth is there are no guaranteed results in life. The holistic approach is what’s needed to produce significant results.

For example: If you smoke twenty cigarettes a day, then no amount of hemp oil can prevent you from developing heart disease and atherosclerosis.

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Shampoo for Hair: Choosing the Right Shampoo for Your Hair

Firstly it is important to understand what shampoo is and what it is supposed to do.

It’s obvious it’s supposed to clean our hair make it smell good and feel soft and shiny, but what exactly is shampoo?

The main function of a shampoo is to gently cleanse the hair by removing accumulated sebum, skin debris, dirt and residues from styling products.

Shampoos must be carefully formulated to avoid excessive removal of sebum and ideally they should leave the hair soft, shiny and easy to comb and style.

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Aloe Vera juce on your hair benefits

Where To Buy Aloe Vera Juice – Best Online Retailers

Aloe Vera Juice has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various conditions.

You can go through the process of making your own juice by extracting the gel, by pealing the green skin away from the leaves using a knife. Where, orange or other citrus-juices can be blended with the gel to be stored for consumption.

Related: How to make Aloe Vera Shampoo At Home?

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